Applying for a payday loan through direct payday lenders takes few minutes. It turns out to be even more convenient when it is applied for online. Applying online reduces most of the paper works, especially when you urgently want cash. You should be above the age group of 18, with a regular monthly income of above $1000 and an active savings account to participate in this fast cash loans. There is no major paper work or cumbersome formalities and these lenders do not involve themselves with the verification of documents or the credit rating of the customer. Loan amount is offered purely based on the customer's permanent employment and regular or stable monthly income. Loan amount may vary from $100 to $1500 and the repayment period runs over a period of few weeks to a month. The same has to be repaid within a short while being short term loans. Prompt repayment helps the customer to build a very good relationship with the lender.
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