Payday loans, which are also often referred to as cash advance loans, are considered to be one of the most expensive of all other unsecured small personal loans. At the same time, they can be a great solution in many situations, and especially when you need to get cash in the shortest period of time. Therefore, if you are looking for the ways to fix your temporary financial difficulties, the best solution for you is to apply for 1 hour payday loans on the Internet.<br /><br />While it may take much time to get a regular personal loan from a bank, you can get a payday loan from an online lending company within the same business day. Moreover, you can apply for such loan immediately from your own home, and can get approved by a loan lender in little to no time. Please note that some lending companies can transfer money to your bank account almost instantly if you have applied for a loan before 3:00 p.m.